Who are we? Answers then and now.
Consider what you've learned about the dominant philosophical and religious beliefs in early America. The Puritans believed that the world was fallen and that people were sinners who could be redeemed only through the grace of God. The rationalists believed the universe was basically good and that doing good for others was the best way to worship God. How do people today regard the universe and human nature itself? Write a brief essay (250 - 500 words/ 1 to 2 pages typed) explaining whether you find evidence of Puritanism and rationalism in American society today.
Please type your answer to this question into a word document. Then, copy and paste your answer into the body of a response. This blog response is due by Monday, October 4th by 3:30pm.
Amanda Velasquez p.6
The world was so different then to what it is now. I definitely find a lot of Puritanism and rationalism in today’s society. There are so many beliefs out there and it puts fear, curiosity and makes people feel weird hearing and learning about them today. One of the bold and obvious reasons, in the basic mind of everyone is we all fear the unknown and what we are not used to hearing or seeing. When we learn today about the past a lot of it is different, but much of it was the same and changed through the years such as, how people preached and what they teach exactly . Many of the teachings back then brought many questions and made people uncertain on what to believe which made them fearful. Not every student now days give all their attention in class lets be honest, but we all know in most cases our teachers have our attention when it comes to religion and what we believe in. if we are strong believers we become defensive towards different teachings or simply how their belief is taught incorrectly. Religion brings heated discussion in and outside the classroom, but cant we all just go on and say that we all are just searching for truth then and NOW?. Most people enjoy the curiosity and are simply fascinated by how different or how much alike some religions really are. Different views and answers bring ease or even in some it brings peace to them and for most that’s all they want. The average person is never use to something new or a religion completely different then our own and honestly we feel weird, but what we don’t realize is that its what they believe in and how its really fascinating viewing their passion and how strong some persons faith can be. Many travelers and researchers become inspired by the different religions today. In my view we all fear what we don’t know and to be honest we really don’t know anything at all it really comes down to how strong are we, do we even believe in anything and yet alone can put trust into something strongly. if we don’t know we are fearful - if we don’t we are curious and if we don’t know we don’t care.
Danilo Lozano
Adv. American Lit.
Today I see the beliefs of the Puritans and the Rationalists. I've personally seen people use a logical way of thinking, while others use a very religious way. For example the Puritans way of thinking I've seen how religious people react when some one does some thing that is against their religion. Lets just say for example, same sex marriage. A puritans would not support this issue because of their religion. While a Rationalist would probably think that gay and lesbian people are humans just like everyone else and they should be able to love and marry who ever they want. So the Puritans and Rationalist have very different ways of thinking. I've seen both ways of thinking in todays time. I think there are more Rationalist today then Puritans. I personally support the Rationalist's way of thinking. They just logic and facts and in reality thats what really matters in the end, the facts, not the rules some higher power tells you to live. You live the way you want and do what makes you happy. Well thats my opinion on it. I dont believe that people are considered bad people till they get grace from God. I think the Rationalist is the right way of thinking people choose who they want to be and shape who they are by what they learn in their life time. So yes, there is Puritans and Rationalist thinkers in todays time. But I personally believe in the Rationalists way of thinking over the Puritans.
Puritans believed that the world was fallen and that people were sinners who could be redeemed only trough the grace of God. The rationalists believed the universe was basically good and that doing good for others was the best way to worship God. Today the universe is described as the whole world; the universe of human beings. Today in American society there is a little of both, there are rationalist people, and there are puritans as well. As said before the two groups are different, but at the same time they believe in a God, which makes them have something in common.
In the American society there are some rationalists because there are people who believe that by just doing goods for others God is going to accept them. These rationalists today are the ones who help everyone to succeed and rationalists can also be described as the ones who give food to those that do not have a place to live and wonder in the streets asking for money. Rationalists are also some companies that help people who do not have a job and the ones that give food such as, WIC and the ones that give food stamps. Probably this is the dominance of American society today because most people believe in God, and help others without discriminating anyone.
In our American society there are also puritans, but these puritans are not exactly as the ones in the society of early America. The puritans of today in our society are those who refuse to receive any doctor’s treatment or receive treatment of someone else, most of these people who refuse believe that God will get rid of their disease by just praying and not taking medicines. There is very few if these people in American society, but still they are consider puritans because they believe that God will save them from death, and not anyone else.
Overall, in our American society we have rationalists who help everyone regardless of race, age, or place of birth, and we also have puritans that believe that God can cure them without any treatment or taking medicines. Although we have both puritans and rationalists, we have a few puritans in our society, and most of our society is composed of rationalists since most people help each other by doing good and most of them also believe in God.
Connie Windsor
Period three
Today can be easily compared to the lifestyle of the puritans and rationalist’s back in early America. The society has many people who believe that God is the only way to live and he Is coming back to take believers to heaven. They also believe that people who sin are always going to be sinners unless they ask god to be their savior. While rationalist believe everyone is good and they just make bad choices sometimes. It’s basically like hardcore Christians and hippies today. In other word’s puritans are republicans and rationalists are democrats.
People today all believe different things, or just don’t believe at all. You can say God is all you need to live for he is the reason we are here today or you can just say screw that I live for myself and no one else. You can follow rules on how to live and preach the word, or you can march to YOUR own beat of YOUR own drum. You can be loving and understanding or you can be uptight and judgmental.
You have someone somewhere telling you how to live, what to wear what to say and how to act. Or you don’t buy into anything they say, you are your own mind and own guidebook. Back then people were either going to “heaven” or going to “hell” now it’s that or, you just don’t really care. Now a days America is so different people believe many different things, I would say we have definitely changed from early America.
Collin Alexander
Oct. 3, 2010
American lit 5
Ms Kromas
Puritanism and Rationalism in American Society Today
Americas’ past has drastically influenced our present, this can be seen in all aspects of modern American life. Puritans were some of the first Europeans to be in America, they were a huge part in our history. All of our founding fathers, on the other hand, were Rationalists, also a huge part of our history. The American of today is more influenced by the rationalists.
Modern Americans can relate more with a rationalist like Ben Franklin then a puritan like a pilgrim. Rationalists had beliefs that modern Americans still have, freedom for everyone, pursuit of happiness, and other core American values. The puritans may have been the first to colonize America but the rationalists made it what it is today.
Religion in America today is also more influenced by rationalists than puritans. Most modern Americans are Christians of which both groups were also. Most modern Christians baptize their newborns this comes from the puritans. But most Americans believe its not predestination that determines whether or not you end up in an eternity of damnation, a puritan belief, but that doing good and worshiping god will prevent you from that fate, which is a rationalist belief. Modern Americans are much more impacted by rationalists than puritans.
Matthew O’Hara
Ms. Kormas
American Literature 5
3 October 2010
Puritanism and Rationalism in Modern Society
Regarding today’s society I would have to strongly argue that it is rationally dominated. I mean as I type this essay I am practicing rationalism, I’m thinking and answering a question off of my opinion alone. Puritanism I believe was too strict. A lot of people would agree with me that the human brain is hotwired to answer the what if, why or how questions that we encounter during the day. Many can argue different but how do disregard the founding of America? The founding basis of this country is why must we pay taxes, and have our natural rights as human beings belittled by a disrespectful tyrannous leader like King George III. And lets be honest when you figure something(pertaining to a difficult question) out you naturally feel good about yourself in the fact of you are more intelligent then you just were. Trying to find this website took me 30 minutes and when I finally found it I felt great. Also, nobody likes being told that when their born they are naturally sinners who only God can save. We like the feeling of independence, otherwise the word revolution would not have its so famous meaning. “Everyone is deferent and unique in their own way”, I’m sure you’ve heard that about a thousand times, so why must that not pertain to religion. If you think deep enough the founding of Puritanism was essentially founded on rationalist intentions. Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door of the church of England saying it was corrupt and the bible is the only true connection to God. That’s thinking of your own free will in a rational and ordained matter against the “what is” from the most powerful officials in England at the time. Humans are naturally rationalist and how you interpret human beings from there is your idea which is the beauty of rationalism in the first place.
There is more evidence of rationalism in American society today; people believe that if you do good things for others god will do good for you. Many Americans believe that a person is born good and over time they may start to change. I believe that rationalist ideas shaped America in what it has become today for example the declaration of independence states that all men are created equal and puritan’s believed that you were only seen good in front of god’s eyes if you were wealthy. Now people don’t see your economic status as an issue we are all god’s children. People do so many good things for other people as big as donating huge amounts of money or just lending someone a hand with a small issue that makes them feel good about themselves because they know that god will acknowledge that. Many freedoms that we have today in America came from rationalist people, so pretty much everyone’s life here in America is surrounded by rationalist ideas.
Victoria Juarez (6)
Americans society is more rationalist today. People in America don’t believe that you’re born bad, they believe that your born good, but you just make the wrong decisions. Society believes that if you do good things for others god will reward you for your good actions and if you do bad everything has its consequences. American society today does not believe that if you come from a lower class income, you’re being seen bad in god’s eyes. We believe that the world runs according to god’s rules and trough the use of reason, people and discover those rules. People in today's society use reason to discover many things and solve many society problems because every human is born knowing the good from the bad. That’s why I believe that today’s American society is based more on rationalism.
Lita Rajsvong (6)
Rationalism and Puritanism in Present time
Rationalism and Puritanism are what America is founded on. Without Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and George Washington America would be completely different. Without the Puritans wanting religious freedom from the British there would be no “New World” These two things are why we are such a successful nation. Rationalism and Puritanism together makes America.
Puritanism is spirit of America. As the spirit it looks over other religious groups trying to come to America to live a better life. Even though puritans wouldn’t have like other religious groups coming they still set the example of coming to America for a better future. The Puritans were the first to experience the American Dream, of course until Britain came and took control of them again. When you think of America, the first thing that hits you is Religious Freedom, and the Puritans were the first to set this goal, and people will always look at them respectively.
Rationalism is what also makes us America. Without rational thinkers there would be no revolutionary war, no Declaration of Independence, no Sons of Liberty. Rationalism is a symbol of growth. Overtime more and more people starting thinking rationally and little bit by bit it formed America. It formed America by separating from Britain. Also it formed America by making the Constitution. The main freedoms you have are religion, press, speech, and assembly. Freedom of press, speech, and assembly especially are important to rationalist. There are so many biased columns out there, and it is up to your rational thinking to decide whether you agree or not. Rational thinking is what makes me, me. If I didn’t have a say or not allowed to have an opinion about things and I had to be told what to say, I would kill myself. Rationalism is the American Dream of the present. People come here to make their ideas into money.
Rationalism and Puritanism have a huge impact on society today. They do have a huge impact because they are what made our country. And as many famous people have said “If you don’t know history how are you supposed to know the future?”
Ramon Duran
Ms. Kromas
American Lit (per 6)
2 October 2010
I do believe that there is evidence of both Puritanism and racialism in today’s modern world because it influences people’s lives every day and sometimes in a big way. I think that there are some strong believers of Puritanism because so many people are religious and religion is a big part of this country. And there is also people who don’t believe in any religion they believe in the logic of reason and there is nothing wrong with that everybody has the right to believe in what they want to, that is one of the beauties of this country that you have that right. But there is also evidence of people being both religious and still believe in reason and logic. They do not believe in the strict rules that the puritans had. They add some reason to some of that stuff. I think the way people see the world now is with a little bit more reason rather than seeing that it is ALL religious. People can now see how things happen in the Earth or the universe with reactions of chemicals and all. They believe in that but as well that god is doing that and he created all of it and put it in motion. But as in any argument there is always different opinions and some are still really strong believers of religious domination and some believe in reason only.
In todays society there are examples of both Rationalism and Puritanism. Their heritage is alive and well in the public life of Americans today.
For example, some decendants of the Puritans still belive that we, as humans, are, sinners whom are doomed to an eternaty in hell. At the same time we find that many people feel that you can decide on your own who you are instead of being born into sin and unable to save yourself.
"Puritanism" is the absolute belief in the original values of something, hence the "pure" in the name. The Puritan values that affected American society in the seventeenth century continue to influence our nation today. Puritans believed that no one person or group should be able to rule the nation, from this we got the concept of a limited government. The Puritan emphasis on education gave us a school system that taught the young to read, write, and solve basic arithmetic. Lastly, the Puritan ethics of hard work, honesty, self-control, and responsibility have been adopted by many Americans.
"Rationalism" is the priniple of accepting reason as the surpreme authority in matters of opinion,belief, or conduct. The Rationalists have greatly influenced American society in that it was rationalists like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison that founded the United States and wrote the Constitution. We have also receved the ideas of self-recognition, self-determiation, and self-worth from the rationalists without which the U.S. would not be a functioning nation.
So, in order to sum it all up, the U.S. (being founded by Rationalists and settled by Puritans) is filled with much of the belief's of both.
Jesse S. Gitchell
American Lit.(6)
Selene Sanchez
Period 1
Today people regard the universe and human nature as what you decide to regard it as. You basically make life what you want it to be, if you do good things you will be looked upon as a good person. Religious wise, there are many different beliefs. Some people believe you can go to heaven even if you commit any kind of sin. As long as you don't repeat it.Most of the people regard to the universe as a well-built place that you can make what you want of it. Back then there was certain people that were looked upon as better than everyone. People now a days are more open minded about mostly everything. We can be related to more as the rationalists than the puritans because the rationalists are more free than the puritans. It would be silly if people these days would think the way they used to. Some evidence from today is that you can choose to believe whatever you want. For most people the best way to worship God is by following what the Bible says, by going to church or by simply repenting from your sins. I think it is easier to be looked upon as an overall good person today than back in the puritan and rationalist days. A big
difference from today and those days is the way they used to teach at the schools. Everything they did had something to do with religion and God.
Javier Romero
American Lit. (5)
October 1, 2010
Who are we?
This country is filled with both Puritans and rationalist. I believe that American society is mostly filled with rationalist. I believe that we are rationalist because many people are good to others rather than everyone being sinners in America.
One of the reasons I believe that people are good to others is that not many people who worship with each other have a special bond that unites them. People feel like god brought them together so because of their respect to god people become basically good to others. Most rationalist don’t judge people by their looks because of the way they think and that show they are good to other people in this country. Many rationalist think before they act, but the down side is that not all rationalist are basically good.
In this world today Puritans exist a lot in America also because there are a lot of people that feel like they have to better themselves and do what god sent them to do in this world. I know many people like that in America. There are always people that sin occasionally, then they go to church and feel like that is how they make it up to god. There are always people that redeem themselves to god, even some rationalist in America redeem themselves to god.
That is what I my evidence about Puritans and Rationalist in America today. Rationalist help out our society and Puritans help improve our society. Those two types of people exist and benefit a lot our society these days.
Our countrys democracy was basically founded by the early puritans who settled in the American colonies. They signed the mayflower compact, which basically gave them freedom of religion.
The puritans were a religious group seeking freedom from england, and seeking the right to express the religion in whatever ways they chose to. Puritans had very strange veiws on life, some might say
even idiotic at times. Now a days there is many different religious groups with strange beliefs, thus this countries freedom of religion. So in that regard, today is very much like back then. Rationalism is VERY much around today,
we are always looking to help others, comercials on T.V., radio, internet make an attempt to get us to help our community. Rich and famous people love giving back to their communities. We take it as the right thing
to do. Even in our on churches, they take at least 5 minutes to pass arouond a basket for those who want to donate money to the church and the poor. To this day we still have people like the puritans, we think of them as extremist, they believe that anything and everything you
do should have an influence of their god, and that it is completely wrong to do anything other then what their religion tell you to do. these extremist go above and beyond to show what they believe in. They might actually think that they are god, thats how insane they could be, they even
kill themselves.
We are a society that is easyly influenced by our idols or people we look up to. If superman did drugs, then we might go do some drugs, if we have seen our parents smoke our whole life, then we might want to go buy a pack a try it.
So if one of our idols believes in god, then we are most likely going to believe in god. our look on life and nature, is 99% influence by those who are around us.
America is full of puritan and rationalist beliefs, therefore very much around. - matt david 1st period
Sam Gillette
Ms. Kromas
Advanced American Literature (5)
3 October 2010
Puritanism and Rationalism
Rationalism and Puritanism are the base of today’s America. It would be completely different without all of the rationalist thinkers such as Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. Also, it would be different if the Puritans didn’t escape from England and find the New World. These two ideas are the reason America is such a successful country.
Rationalism is a large piece of the foundation of America. Without Rationalism, there would be no Declaration of Independence, American Constitution, or Sons of Liberty. Rationalism is the reason that people can question anything. Without it, everything would be a set belief and even if you didn’t agree with it, there’s nothing you could do about it. It’s the reason people have a personality and can express themselves in public. Rationalism is a big part of the American Dream. It is the reason for the first amendment, freedom of speech, religion, assembly, petition, and press. People in other countries wish they could live here, because in their country they can’t speak out against their government or be whatever religion they want. I am proud to be in America and to be able to be myself.
Puritanism is another strong piece of the foundation of America. They came to America, because they wanted to get away from the Church of England that was trying to make religion and government one unit. They were the first religious group to come to America to be free. Now, when people think of America, they think of religious freedom, which is a very respectable quality in a country. Puritans set the standard for this and will always be remembered for it.
As you can see, Puritanism and Rationalism made our country the solid one that it is. It makes us the country that people want to live in because they can be free to be who they want. God bless America.
Sarah Hendry
Mrs. Kromas
Adv. American Literature—3
30 September 2010
Throughout American history, religion is a big aspect on life. Whether a person is a Puritan or a Rationalist, they strongly believe in the ideals that they believe is religion. They have principles and rules that they believe God gave to them. Even if the Puritans had a negative outlook on human nature, and the Rationalists were positive, they both believed that God existed. Today, the Puritans and the Rationalists have blended together on American society and culture, so that how people see the universe and human nature is all a matter of opinion.
Puritans believe that all humans are born sinners, and people have to work to be accepted by God. So, they work hard, pray, and go to church to prove that they are worthy enough to be let into heaven. Today’s extremely religious people seem to take that path. They pray regularly, and God always plays an active role in their everyday life. They constantly work so that God will be convinced that they are not sinners. These people also go to church whenever they can. A strong belief that is still carried out today is that the Bible is God’s literal word. They take every word in the Bible literally, and will not stand for anything reasonable, and keep their mind closed off and ignorant.
Rationalists believe that doing good deeds is the best way to worship God. This is common in today’s society. It’s constantly happening. There are people who take the wrong path in life. Then something bad happens to them, and they suddenly “seen the light” and dedicate their life to helping others and helping their religion. They try to do good for humanity so they can worship God in their own way. Doing charity and volunteer work help them gain repentance. These people help humanity to get closer to God, where Puritans only believe in strict work.
In American society, there is no right or wrong answer. People have the freedom to express who they are and what their beliefs are. So, when it comes to this way of thinking, not everyone is uniform. People have their own religious beliefs, experimenting with new ways on how to worship God in their own way. Puritans and Rationalists thoughts still live on and their philosophies effect how we see religion today.
--Sarah Hendry, Period 3
Jillian Wainscott
Ms. Kromas
American Lit.
Period 6
In my opinion I believe that there are small signs of Puritanism and Rationalism shown throughout our corrupt world we live in today. There are many different religious groups that have their own varying views on God and how the earth and human nature came about.
When it comes to the people who know there is a God in heaven and live for Him I believe that shows the Puritanism side of the world. An example of this would be a Christian. Christians believe the truth. The one and only way to get to heaven and have eternal life with God is to ask for forgiveness of your sins and ask Jesus into your heart, because we are all sinners who live in a corrupt world and need the grace of God. This is not something we can earn, but a gift we are given the choice to accept.
But there are also those who believe you can get to heaven through the good works or good behavior you show towards others. This to me would be a slight view of the Rationalists. A good example of this group, similar to the Rationalists, would be the Mormons and Jehovah witnesses.
Some people in the world believe in something along the lines of carma, a sort of belief that if you do something good it will come back to you. Many others have the belief that we were born with a sinful nature and need the help of God to change our ways.
Bryant Taylor (Period 1)
Today the vast majority of Americans are parting from its Puritan and Rationalistic roots and moving away from religion in general. However both Puritanism and Rationalism have shaped the values of today. The puritans have contributed to the religious beliefs in numerous ways including the practice of confessions. Confessions show the belief that God holds the power to forgive for the sins of the people. Also, in today’s society people tend to conform to the latest trends just like in the age of Puritanism. Except in today’s society the topic at the center of attention is no longer religion but rather money. Puritans looked to God for answers and help but with the arrival of the age of reason they no longer needed God for answers and the societies focus shifted.
Rationalism has turned out to be the more prominent influence of the two. Rationalistic ideals have led to an abundance of charities and the belief giving is good. Rationalism has also lead to how education is delivered to the people. Today people are taught to use reason to come up with an answer instead of spiritual revelation and teachings from the Bible. Like many of the thinkers during the age of reason society is continuing to look for answers. Society no longer believes that God rules the universe but instead created the universe. Therefore it is the people’s responsibility to decide their own fate. This why people work so hard in school and at their jobs. They know that if they work hard towards what they want then they may achieve it. There is no predestination determined by God. Therefore People no longer rely on the force of God but by their own abilities. The age of reason forced the world to accept the city life and structural classes which are present today. Though today’s ideals are a melting pot of perspectives and philosophies, it is difficult to exclude the immense influence Rationalism and Puritanism have had on modern day society.
Jade Richards
Ms Kromas
P.1- American Lit.
October 1, 2010
Puritanisium and Rationalism
I believe that today society shows both puritan and rationalist ideas because they both have what most people believe in life. The puritans thought that if people sinned the only way to be forgiven is by praying and believing the grace of God. This belief clearly shows how most religions view God and that’s like what people in the world. Mostly Christians and Catholics (possibly others) believe the same aspect as the puritans and this shows what we are. Another way that puritan is shown through American society is the way they read the Bible. Puritans read the bible as a story of creation, fall, wandering, and the rescue of the human race. This also shows that now in society it is read the same but is given a better interpretation of how it originated. Churches all over the world are trying to get in depth of what the bible means and that is the same thing as what the puritans were trying to do. Rationalism on the other hand believed that the world was okay and doing good things for others was the best way to worship God. Rationalist brought a new idea and way of thinking which gave them the name “Enlightment Thinkers”. They thought of life by using the truth and reason and they saw God differently. This also is another example of how people in America live. Other religions and people see God in another way and they base there lives off of reason and telling the truth which is what rationalist use to do. So I honestly believe the puritans and the rationalist is everywhere in the American society and is beginning to come out every day.
Cullen Sullivan
Ms. Kromas
Adv. American Lit. (1)
4 October 2010
In the world we live in today many people have different religious views. Many still today are related from preexisting religions such as Puritans and the Rationalists. One practice that is found in American society today is that the Christian religion is similar to Puritans. Why?, because Christians believe also that they our brought onto the world has sinners and that God will grace everyone with salvation. Now the rationalists to me is similar to most people who in America is a very spirtual person. Meaning that its not really a certain religion it compares to but, the person who bases their beliefs on this type of thinking. The rationalist today in American society would be like most Americans who do not practice like traditional religions like going to church or studying the bible. I believe many Americans today take advantage of a Rationalists point of few because it makes more sense in human thinking. Althogh Christianity is still the most popular religion in America so many can argue that I am wrong and that many people in America have a more Puritan thinking. Whatever it is I know everyone has a different point of view of religion but, still to this day it can be compared to rationalists or puritans.
Cullen Sullivan
Ms. Kromas
Adv. American Lit. (1)
4 October 2010
In the world we live in today many people have different religious views. Many still today are related from preexisting religions such as Puritans and the Rationalists. One practice that is found in American society today is that the Christian religion is similar to Puritans. Why? , because Christians believe also that they our brought onto the world has sinners and that God will grace everyone with salvation. Now the rationalists to me are similar to most people who in America are a very spiritual person. Meaning that it’s not really a certain religion it compares to but, the person who bases their beliefs on this type of thinking. The rationalist today in American society would be like most Americans who do not practice like traditional religions like going to church or studying the bible. I believe many Americans today take advantage of a Rationalists point of few because it makes more sense in human thinking. Although Christianity is still the most popular religion in America so many can argue that I am wrong and that many people in America have a more Puritan thinking. Whatever it is I know everyone has a different point of view of religion but, still to this day it can be compared to rationalists or puritans.
The world today has a number of different views on the world. Some people’s views are based off of their religion; some refer to literature, and some just base off of what they were taught to believe in. in an overall aspect of the world most people regard the universe as a corrupt place but a place that can be resolved by religion or belief in God. In the Christian religion they believe that bringing people to God will help make the world a better place; this is also the same with the Catholic religion. Although science has opened up many answers and even more questions in order to find the truth, instead of made-up theory. So now someone’s idea needs a lot of evidence to be proven as a true fact. But because our human nature has not been understood yet, our opinions have become distantly different. Therefore no one can tell you that what they think is best or that they’re better because all of our ideas and thoughts are equal. As time will go on we will have even more opinions and even more ideas but will we ever know which is right or wrong or which is stupid or smart? The universe is like a huge question mark, there are a lot of question that aren’t going to be answered therefore the argument will go on. People’s views will change and they will go back and forth but will they ever find a solution? It all depends on what’s yet to come.
Jonathan Garcia P.1
Kerolos Sorial
Advanced American Literature (5)
Ms. Kromas
4 October 2010
Puritanism and Rationalism
In New England, in the Puritan “Holy Commonwealth,” some 35 churches had been formed by 1640. The Puritans in New England maintained the Calvinist distinction between the elect and the damned in their theory of the church, in which membership consisted only of the regenerate minority who publicly confessed their experience of conversion. Ministers had great political influence, and civil authorities exercised a large measure of control over church affairs. The Cambridge Platform (1648) expressed the Puritan position on matters of church government and discipline. To the Puritans, a person by nature was wholly sinful and could achieve good only by severe and unremitting discipline. Hard work was considered a religious duty and emphasis was laid on constant self-examination and self-discipline. Although profanation of the Sabbath day, blasphemy, fornication, drunkenness, playing games of chance, and participation in theatrical performances were penal offenses, the severity of the code of behavior of the early Puritans is often exaggerated.
Emmanuel Rodriguez
People to today think more logically more than religiously. Although there is some people that devote their lives to god and the church, you can still have faith and god but not go to church. Many regard the universe by just being themselves not necessarily doing everything good but to the best of their ability for example, you can pray every night and believe in god but that doesn’t mean you’ll go to heaven. The person that prays every night can murder in the day time or rape little girls or something that will take you to hell. So basically the way people think is within themselves as in that man thought since he prays and does other things similar to that then he is off the hook for killing and is going to heaven. Others may think that god isn’t real and didn’t create everything and that’s ok because that’s what they believe. They think science is the key for everything and who knows it might be, which doesn’t mean just because they think like that, that their afterlife shall be different then people who think different. The puritans thought more of being a sinner and only god can choose who can go to heaven. On the other hand the rationalist thought that humans were basically good and put their lives in their own hands and believed that they should worship god. Many people think that the puritans are right other think the rationalist are right but it really just depends on the person.
The time period of the Puritans and the Rationalist were divided between their different ways of seeing problems, situations or daily life. I don’t believe that they considered the other side’s views and opinions. However in present day, 2010, I would have to say that majority of people would have the view of a rationalist. The way people think, solve problems, and look at situations show that they think with their brain and not with the religious backgrounds or teachings. One reason I believe people think with reason rather than religion is because all the questions humans have answered with experiments, with knowledge and most of all with reason. Religion bases most of our lives however the bible is questioned every day, proven wrong, being changed, being interpreted in different way so how can people base their knowledge, belief and life about a book that has been altered and will continue being altered. Many people look to facts things that can proven to us, us humans live off the saying “seeing is believing”. No one can prove that the bible is true, yes it was a book written by people however you can look at it and say people are liars and could have lied about everything. However there are facts that we have evolved and changes into humans. People chose facts that can be proven right rather than the belief in the bible. People are more likely to be rationalists rather than puritans and some are a mix of both. No one can be “proven” right or wrong it’s a human’s opinion, decision, and choice to believe what they want we have the freedom to do so.
Janean Dorman
Advanced American Lit
Period 3
October 4th 2010
Jacqui Villalobos
Adv. American Literature(1)
3 October 2010
Religious Beliefs
In society today there are many different religions and with that comes different beliefs. Some people are not even religious, but those who are view the world differently. In Christianity, they believe that by having faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus they will be saved from death by redemption of their sins. One of their other beliefs is that Jesus resurrected to save mankind from sin and death, and they see this a difference in other religions which focus on humans working for salvation. Now though, Christianity is not the central focus of some families because of religious freedom and the need for people to separate from church and become free thinkers. I would say Christianity is similar to Puritanism.
In the Islamic religion they believe there is only one God and that he sends angels in the form of humans to give messages of His will to humankind. The main Muslim belief is that the object of life is to serve and please Allah in order to gain Paradise. This would be a form of Rationalism. The Hindu religion is based on reincarnation and to reach liberation. To do this you had to have a good life and worship your gods. Their views and religion connect to Puritanism.
There are many opinions on how human nature is. Many believe in just doing good for others while in some religions they live on worshiping their God or Gods and doing good only for them. As I have seen there are still forms of Puritanism and Rationalism today, different in its own ways, but still similar. There are many religions in this world and they all have their own views about human nature.
Thalia Vicente
Ms. Kromas
Adv. American Lit. (1)
04 October 2010
Puritans and Rationalists
In today’s society people don’t see the same as the Puritans and rationalists before there are many other kinds of religions in the world with different beliefs of human nature. Many believe that God will save them all and not buy forgiveness but really regret what you did and not do it again. Others think that God was someone that just came and left like any other human being they didn’t really believe he came to save us. There is many other thing out there some don’t even believe in anything. Also some people don’t respect their body as back then a lot will respect their bodies or it’s just because they do things to their body because of religion requirements. I personally don’t see any Puritanism or Rationalists. Maybe they don’t aren’t exposed to world like other religions because they may be discriminated of their religion or maybe they were running from religious persecution. I haven’t heard or seen any Puritanism or Rationalists, but I wonder if there is where I would find them or maybe they are around us but I haven’t found.
I think that people have the freedom to do any religion they want that’s why many came to America to have a better life and from being free from religious persecution. In the other side of the world maybe hide from the governor because maybe they aren’t allowed to perform the religion. Sometimes they hide from them because they are force to perform another religion, but I think they have the right to do what ever religion they want.
Margaret Merino
Per. 5 lit
Contrasting literary periods
I think people today totally disregard people’s beliefs and views on things today. People can think anyway they want and how they live there life is up to them. For example some Christians will tell people they will die and go to hell today. I totally disagree with that. So maybe you disagree with the way they live there live but that doesn’t give you the right to judge them, only god will judge them in the end. People should respect what people believe and you don’t have to agree but you shouldn’t put them down because you disagree with the way they live there live. Today in our society I see more rationalism vs. puritans. A lot more people are free thinkers and believe in a higher power but believe that they will get to heaven the way they want to. Puritans are a lot stricter with the way they view live and how it should be lived and many people would rather take the easy way out then do the right thing. The easy way in this case are the rationalists because they do what they want and still believe they can go to heaven as long as they are good people, they don’t really have religious views on that subject.in conclusion people are very different when it comes to religion and how it should be practiced. Back in the American colonies things were very clear either u were one thing or the other, today people have so many different views on religion and how it should be practiced.
Leslie Alvarran
Ms. Kromas
Period 6
October 10, 2010
Well I believe that I see more rationalism in today’s world than Puritanism. First of all well I’m catholic and I am very involved in church. I usher at church every week and have my group that I have to lead every 3rd Sunday of the month that I’m in charge of and need to train so they can help me. Also I’m a Core Member from the youth group of my church; we have meetings every Tuesday to plan what we are going to teach the teens Sunday at a program we have called Life Teen where all teens are welcomed from 7-8:30 p.m. From that I have noticed that we try to do more good things to help others and try to worship god. Like yea we believe that everyone sins but that doesn’t mean you’re all bad. We always try to help others in the best way possible. Like for example we always do food baskets for thanksgiving and Christmas and give them to people in need. We’ve also done quilts and delivered them to pre matured babies. I think in my world kind of I guess you can say we are more rationalists than Puritanism. But I guess it could also be a little bit of both. When we sin we confess ourselves and then we are good but I really don’t think it’s a lot like the Puritans. In my opinion I see more people trying to help and trying to make a difference in this world, but that’s just me though because someone could have a different opinion than me and maybe because we are all different and have different life’s.
HIIIIIIIIII MS KROMAS.!!!!!!!!!!!! :)(:
♥ ☼/ ☺
People today reguard the universe and human nature itself as just another thing that is not very important because apparently the things that they have going on in their life is far more important than how they see the world today. Most people today just see different religions as something they don't need to worry about because there are so many, not too many people know which one to follow. Although the Puritans and rationalists both believed the world is a place to redeem themselves to God, not too many people today in the American society show their relationship with God in their daily lives compared to the Puritans and rationalists who made it a point to worship God in any part of their day.
As the Puritans believed that the world was fallen and a place for sinners to redeem themselves through God's grace, people in the American society just look at the Puritans "beliefs" as an old myth that no one follows through with because there are no proven facts and things about their beliefs. The rationalists believed everything in the universe was good and to worship God in the best way possible was to do good for others, but in the American society, people do good things just to be noticed and to be the center of attention just to gain respect from others when they should really be doing good for God, if they believed in the same rituals as the rationalists.
In the Plege of Alligence, there is a line that explains, "In One Nation Under God" , how we are all in the same nation under God. But the thing that most Americans don't realize in society today is that we are contected to God whether we believe in what the Puritans believe in, or what the rationalists believe in. Either way no one notices how much God is around us in all beliefs, even if some of the things that were taught to the children when the Puritan age were changed just a tad it all still falls under the same categorey.
-Katrina Romo P.3
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